Quantum Touch

Craniosacral Therapy

 Intuitive Guidance

Quantum Touch

Craniosacral Therapy

Intuitive Guidance

Intend, Relax and Surrender

About  Pure Essence

Welcome to Pure Essence Healing, a safe and nurturing space where you can freely share and heal the aspects of your life that may be causing limitation, discomfort, or suffering. Whether you’re facing physical, emotional, or mental challenges, struggling with addictions, or seeking to overcome certain habits, I am here to provide comprehensive support. Through a potent combination of modalities, aimed to address you as a whole being, taking into account every aspect of your well-being.

My intention is to guide you in reclaiming your original state of wholeness, reconnecting with your inner beauty, and tapping into your highest joy and own life force energy – your Pure Essence.

Together, we can explore the depths of your being, connecting you to your own inner wisdom and empowering you to create your own happiness. Through the unique combination of holistic treatments Pure Essence Healing will assist you towards soothing and finding freedom from disease, pain, anxiety, stress, and various other conditions and injuries. Whilst enhancing your immune system, increasing your vibrational energy, and nurturing your overall well-being.

I am here to guide you in your self-growth and practices of self-love, sharing successful techniques of inner healing that will lead you to embody your truest self. In this sacred space, you can expect to receive the guidance and support you are seeking, for you to release what no longer serves you and embrace a life of greater well-being and more fulfilling existence.

Are you ready to journey towards happiness, love and self-empowerment?


I look forward to connecting with you!

I am Shelana 

I am a Quantum Touch energy healing practitioner with a deep-rooted passion for healing and transformation. My journey as a healer began after experiencing my own profound healing and spiritual awakening. Through my personal struggles and challenges, I discovered the immense power of holistic healing modalities and their ability to facilitate true and long lasting transformation.

It was during this transformative period that I felt a calling to share these gifts with others. I realised that my purpose in life is to support individuals in their own healing journeys, guiding them towards wholeness and empowerment. This realisation ignited a fire within me, and I dedicated myself to mastering various healing modalities and intuitive practices.

Today, as an intuitive and empathic healer, I bring a unique blend of craniosacral therapy, energy healing, and intuitive guidance to my sessions. I am committed to treating each individual as a whole being, addressing their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. My sessions are tailored to your personal needs and may incorporate various techniques such as Light language sound healing, Angelic Reiki, Ancestral healing and Soul retrieval. Each session is a unique experience, and the healing process may evoke a range of emotions, physical sensations, tiredness, relaxation, or a sense of energization. It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is different.

I cherish the heartfelt connections I make with my clients and find immense joy in witnessing their transformation and growth. It is my greatest honour to be a part of their healing journey, guiding them towards a life of joy, strength, confidence, and vitality.

Anything is achievable

You are truly worthy of love, healing, and happiness.
Say ‘YES’ to You and book your session today.
I look forward to supporting you in creating a life that truly reflects your heart’s desires.

Shelana xo